众所周知(讲个鬼故事),今年是垃圾游戏 10 周年。
Telegram 英文资讯频道 @IUENG 联合 Niantic 举办了一场特工摄影比赛,从 8 月中下旬到 11 月中旬,每月一个主题,玩家可以投稿照片或视频来参赛,每周选出 2 名优胜者,奖励由 Niantic 赞助的超级丰厚 code 大礼包。
本月主题是「Agents and New Contacts」。
CSAE 5 周年欢乐合集(特工摄影比赛参赛版)
收到奖品之后当然是第一时间把码分享在群里了,毕竟真正的作者是每一位群友。幸好猩猩想得非常周到,每个码可以兑 10 次,果然是鼓励以集体名义参赛的!
详细规则请关注 Telegram 频道:@IUENG
We compete in the name of our Cross-Faction community, Chinese Speaking Agents in Europe, aka CSAE. We were individuals who never knew each other until we came together in September 2017. We make an open, friendly, and inclusive collective that has seen Ingress and the world change over the past 5 years. This video is a present for CSAE's fifth birthday and includes as many of our friends as possiple. Although this is somewhat out of the single-author rule, I still don't want to tear apart our memories and want to present these images in their entirety.
Agent names (in the order of appearance): Arekusanda, AV139, NeoAtlantis, Swdta, AgentDMF, moyuefeng, Refia916, dasKupfer, Allonautilus, NeptuneTang, SilentZRT, DavidMZhu, ogdj, Magnolia39, JeremyShi, BadWolf2014, Liuchen1701, GiruKun, Kagerox, Siriusshan, StormAndre, Gnostikoi, GinnyZ, Michellebaby, IIlIlIIllIIlI, SquirrelsBot, inf1SF, erisbear, Enicidem, LocusAzzurro, IIzumiSagiri, ClityFaer, AneurinenTardis, NecoShao, ElricXD, ChaosBanker